2020.2.4 The program has been released.
2019.12.3 Tentative program has been released.
2019.12.2 The application deadline has been extended.
→We stopped accepting applications.
Event outline
ExCELLS Retreat for Young Scientists (FY2019)
starting from noon on Friday, February 7, 2020 through around 2PM on Saturday, February 8
Nishiura Onsen Hotel Tatsuki
(Gamagouri, Aichi, https://www.tatsuki-aoi.com/en/, http://www.nishiuraonsen.com/en/spa/tatsuki/)
(Bus for round-trip is available. Prepare and bring your lunch for day 1.
Can eat on your ride)
〇Invited talks
・Keiichi Inoue (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
・Itaru Imayoshi (Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University)
・Yusuke Hirabayashi (School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
・Tsuyoshi Terakawa (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
・Yoo Sa Kan (RIKEN)
〇 World poster (poster session on a table)
〇 Workshop “Design your extraterrestrial life: Conquer the planet “ExCELLS”!
〇 Hot spring
〇 Get-together
English (Okay to use Japanese for Q&A)
Registration fee: Free
(You will pay hotel fee and the same amount will be reimbursed later)
Drink fee: Students/PostDocs: free, Assistant Prof.: 2000 JPY,
Associate/Full Prof.: 3000 JPY
Please register from this form.
Registration deadline: 13th Dec. 201930th Nov. 2019
※The application deadline has been extended.
We stopped accepting applications.
Email: tanimoto_at_nibb.ac.jp
Please replace the“_at_”with“@”.