The Collaboration Enhancement Platform

The Collaboration Enhancement Platform will work to strengthen inter-organizational networks with domestic and overseas universities and research institutions, and strategically promote collaboration. More specifically, it will promote the development of personnel who are responsible for interdisciplinary research by enhancing collaborations with the equipment sharing and joint research partners and activating personnel exchange with the research institutions with which academic exchange agreements and international exchange agreements have been made.
ExCELLS is working to co-create society with diverse stakeholders through the sharing of its most advanced equipment and the joint research using its unique approach.

Glycobiological Science Unit

The ExCELLS conducts the activities of “J-GlycoNet”, a joint usage / research center, with Tokai National Higher Education and Research System and Soka University. Furthermore, based on this networked center, we are promoting the Human Glycome Atlas Project, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) project to promote large scientific frontiers.

Cooperative Projects, etc.


Human Glycome Atlas Project

Advanced Drug Discovery Unit

The ExCELLS conducts the activities for creation of advanced drug discovery with Nagoya City University, the NMR Platform of the Advanced Research Infrastructure Sharing Promotion Project (Advanced Research Equipment Platform Program) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (BINDS) of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).

Cooperative Projects, etc.

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
Institute of Drug Discovery Science, Nagoya City University



Spin Life Science Unit

The ExCELLS conducts activities for ‘Frontier of Spin Life Sciences ’, which is the adopted project of the FY2023 Promotion of Development of a Joint Usage/ Research System Project: Coalition of Universities for Research Excellence Program (CURE) “Interdisciplinary Research Hub Formation Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

In cooperation with related organizations in the above projects and the NMR Platform of the Advanced Research Infrastructure Sharing Promotion Project (Advanced Research Equipment Platform Program) of MEXT, we aim to create a new field, ‘spin life science,” that is not limited by existing fields.

Cooperative Projects, etc.

Frontier of Spin Life Sciences


Quantum Life Science Unit

The ExCELLS conducts activities for ‘Multiscale Quantum–Classical Life Interface Research Consortium (Applicant institution; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo)’, which is the adopted project of the FY2023 Promotion of Development of a Joint Usage/ Research System Project: Coalition of Universities for Research Excellence Program (CURE) “Interdisciplinary Research Hub Formation Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

In cooperation with related organizations of the above projects, we aim to create a new interdisciplinary field, by connecting micro-quantum processes involving light and various proteins such as photoreceptor proteins, fluorescent and luminescent proteins, and macro-scale molecular function expression processes from physical, chemical and biological perspectives.

Cooperative Projects, etc.

Multiscale Quantum–Classical Life Interface Research Consortium