第30回 ExCELLSセミナーを開催いたします。
共催:生命の情報物理学(第39回 IBPセミナー)
※本セミナーは日本語で実施されます。Seminar Language: Japanese
2023年6月26日(月) 16:00〜17:00
【会場】山手3号館2F西 大会議室
Dr. Keita KAMINO
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Efficient information usage by cells – and cell biologists
Organisms acquire and use sensory information to guide their behaviors. Likewise, scientists acquire and use the information contained in experimental data to better understand systems of interest. In both cases, the amounts of information available are usually limited, so using it efficiently is critical. In this seminar, I will discuss two aspects of efficient information usage. First, I explore information usage by cells, describing how we have discovered that motile Escherichia coli cells (arguably the simplest model of biological behavior) acquire very little information but use it highly efficiently. Second, I examine information usage by scientists, elaborating on how faced with noisy fluorescence data from single E. coli cells, we developed a method to extract relevant signals from raw data with theoretically maximal efficiency. Finally, I examine similarities between these two processes.
- Kamino, K., Keegstra, J. M., Long, J., Emonet, T., & Shimizu, T. S. (2020). Adaptive tuning of cell sensory diversity without changes in gene expression. Science Advances, 6(46), eabc1087.
- Mattingly*, H. H., Kamino*, K., Machta, B. B., & Emonet, T. (2021). Escherichia coli chemotaxis is information limited. Nature Physics, 17(12), 1426-1431. (*Equal contribution)
- Kamino*, K., Kadakia, N., Avgidis, F., Liu, Z. X., Aoki, K., Shimizu, T. S., & Emonet*, T. (2023). Optimal inference of molecular interaction dynamics in FRET microscopy. PNAS, 120(15), e2211807120. (*Corresponding authors)
青木 一洋(定量生物学研究グループ)