Designer Biomolecular Chemistry Group

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Introduction of Research

Life processes are sustained by a complex network of interconnected biochemical reactions. There has been a growing interest in re-engineering these biochemical reaction networks, which has implications for synthesis of chemicals and medical applications. We believe that the integration of unnatural chemical reactions, not found in nature but developed by humans, into this biochemical reaction network will pave the way for new ventures, leading to the production of various high-value-added compounds and the development of novel drugs with unique modes of action. With this ultimate objective in mind, our group is focusing on artificial enzymes that catalyze unnatural chemical transformations. We are conducting a comprehensive study on the development of artificial enzymes, drawing on coordination chemistry, catalytic chemistry, and protein engineering, as well as the development of technologies for their delivery into cells and organisms.

By combining the development of synthetic catalysts through organic synthetic chemistry methods and the modification of protein functions through genetic engineering methods, we can construct designer enzymes that possess non-natural functions. Utilizing these designer enzymes, we aim to design chemical reaction networks within flasks and intervene in biochemical events within cells.